
Forexample,theSS-1Scud,aballisticmissilewithrangesofupto185miles(300kilometres),wasfieldedwithnuclearwarheadsbySoviettroopsineastern ...,AScudmissileisoneofaseriesoftacticalballisticmissilesdevelopedbytheSovietUnionduringtheColdWar.ItwasexportedwidelytobothSecond ...,ScudwasfirstdeployedbytheSovietsinthemid-1960s.Themissilewasoriginallydesignedtocarrya100-kilotonnuclearwarheadora2,000pound ......

SS-1 Scud

For example, the SS-1 Scud, a ballistic missile with ranges of up to 185 miles (300 kilometres), was fielded with nuclear warheads by Soviet troops in eastern ...

Scud missile

A Scud missile is one of a series of tactical ballistic missiles developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was exported widely to both Second ...

Weapons - Ss-1 Scud | The Gulf War

Scud was first deployed by the Soviets in the mid-1960s. The missile was originally designed to carry a 100-kiloton nuclear warhead or a 2,000 pound ...

SS-1 "Scud" | Missile Threat

The missile measures 11.25 m in length, 0.88 m in diameter, and 5,900 kg at launch. It has a range of 300 km with accuracy of 450 m CEP. Several different ...


It is also known by its NATO reporting name SS-1C Scud-B. It is one of several Soviet missiles to carry the reporting name Scud; the most prolifically launched ...

scud missile

... 全部 · 圖片 · 影片 · 新聞. 字典. 購物. 英漢. scud missile. 美式. ph. 前蘇聯的地對地SS-1B/C飛彈(疾飛飛彈). Dr.eye 譯典通片語. scud missile. 美式. ph. 前蘇聯的 ...

Scuds vs. Patriots Desert Storm, 1991

2022年10月19日 — All Scuds are tactical ballistic missiles. That means they have short ranges (80-400 miles) and travel in arcs, powered for only part of their ...

What's a Scud?

During the cold war, NATO used “Scud” to refer to a specific missile, the R-11, a Soviet theater-range weapon intended to strike targets in Western Europe.

SCUD Missile Nose Cone

The Soviet Union deployed SCUD missiles and launchers to Soviet-bloc countries as part of the military build-up in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.